Stage II: Construction of the high pressure entrained flow gasifier
The second project stage of the bioliq® process is launched. After receiving grants from the Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture, and Consumer Protection (BMELV), construction is started on-site the bioliq® facility mid of the year 2010 after the engineering phase had been finished.
In December 2010, a first tank vessel being part of the planned tank farm is erected in the space between the flash pyrolysis plant (background) and a new process building to include the high pressure entrained flow gasifier.
Heavy duty derricks prepare the huge steel construction to house the technical components of the gasifier.
The first floor of the steel construction is integrated into the process building. The dimensions already imply the scale of equipment.
Artistical impression of pillars from our photographer´s point of view…
The entrained flow gasifier building after mechanical completion end of 2011.
Another view from the completed gasification unit with feedstock tanks. Functional testing has been performed during 2012, begin of 2013 the plant has successfully been commissioned by the performance and acceptance tests. Liquid oxygen and nitrogen demanded by the gasification process are supplied by a separated utility.
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