Stage I: Construction of the flash pyrolysis plant
Here our bioliq® pilot plant will be built. The project bioliq I (Flash pyrolysis) is funded by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL). For construction, joint operation and further process development Lurgi AG (now: Air Liquide Construction and Engineering Germany GmbH) has been contracted. Start-up is on November 3, 2005.
At this day, diggers move in to build the foundation of the process buildings. Pleasant weather allows for fast progress.
January 24, 2006: The first foundations are casted and the construction site is prepared for further action.
February 17, 2006: The first pillars mark the outside and heights of the process building.
In March 2006: The construction work proceeds fast. The skeleton framing is finished and the staircase is erected in the background.
End of August 2006: The shell construction is completed. In two halls are arranged for storage/comminution of biomass and conditioning of pyrolysis products. The still open fronts will be closed by weather protection cladding. Now the building is prepared to accommodate the technical installations.
One year later, in September 2007, the technical installations including the fast pyrolysis plant, which is contained in the tall steel construction, are mechanically completed. The pipe bridge in the foreground connects the plant to media (water, gas, etc.) and external utilities.
In the control room the plant operation is coordinated and controlled. In the master display process parameters are controlled and visualized and all relevant data are collected.
Begin of 2008 the process building and equipment is completed. The performance and acceptance tests are carried out successfully in January/February 2008.
Tower construction: In the course of 2008, from July to December, the operational capability of the pyrolysis plant and the inside combustion with external coke dosage were tested. The tests to the inside combustion ran till April, 2009, then the tests occurred for the first time with straw supply.
View of the pyrolysis's heart: the pyrolysis reactor. The plant is operated in so-called test campaigns of typically a few weeks duration and several time per year.
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